"id": "107c75182874f1ba1531bc7fff73d328a7b7a51bc825eea95bb35bcded09d564",
"category": "sast",
"name": "Allocation of resources without limits or throttling",
"description": "The application was found using the `requests` module without configuring a timeout value for\nconnections. This could lead to uncontrolled resource consumption where the application could\nrun out of\nsocket descriptors, effectively causing a Denial of Service (DoS).\n\nTo remediate this issue, pass in a `timeout=` argument to each `requests` call.\n\nExample using a timeout for an HTTP GET request:\n```\n# Issue a GET request to https://example.com with a timeout of 10 seconds\nresponse = requests.get('https://example.com', timeout=10)\n# Work with the response object\n# ...\n```\n\nFor more information on using the requests module see:\n- https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/\n",
"cve": "semgrep_id:bandit.B113:220:220",
"severity": "Medium",
"scanner": {
"id": "semgrep",
"name": "Semgrep"
"location": {
"file": "src/engine/test/health_test/engine-health-test/src/health_test/validate_event_indexing.py",
"start_line": 220
"identifiers": [
"type": "semgrep_id",
"name": "bandit.B113",
"value": "bandit.B113",
"url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B113"
"type": "cwe",
"name": "CWE-770",
"value": "770",
"url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/770.html"
"type": "owasp",
"name": "A05:2021 - Security Misconfiguration",
"value": "A05:2021"
"type": "owasp",
"name": "A6:2017 - Security Misconfiguration",
"value": "A6:2017"
"type": "bandit_test_id",
"name": "Bandit Test ID B113",
"value": "B113"